‘That was the incredible Sam Douglas, from iSports Customer Experience. I’m sure you’ll agree that her story is open opening and inspiring and has definitely given us all something to think about.
You can find more information about Sam or contact her at www.isports.org.au.
You’ve been listening to another episode of Elements of Empowerment and I want to thank you, so until next week check out some of our other episodes, rate this podcast or leave a comment and let me know what you think.
Just remember ‘in the moment you could be mean, choose to be kind.’
Outro’s are usually created for each episode and are the opportunity to thank your guest, recap on your main points and direct them to your digital assets and links to your website.
Here are a list of ideas
- If you’ve liked what you’ve heard today, please share with your friends.
- If you liked this episode, please hit the stars and rate this podcast.
- If you have loved the content we have shared today, please check out some of the other episodes in this series.
- I know this episode has probably raised some questions so please leave them in the comments below.
- If you want to know more about his topic, head over to the blog article on my website where I’ve included more tips and hacks.
- For more information on this subject download the PDF in the show notes.
- I’d love you to join our discussion on this topic, come and join our facebook group where minds like yours are sharing their experience and insights.
- More education on this topic is available from my online course, check out my website at www.piprae.com.
- If you have a something you’d like to hear us discuss on this podcast, send your ideas to hello@sutherlandshirepodcaststation.com.au
Tips and Hints
Make your Outro sharp, concise and direct.
To many options and confusion sets in.
Figure out the most appropriate strategy to meet your goal.
Ask for a review – otherwise the answer is always no. Reviews