What is a Digital Asset?
Essentially it is anything stored digitally that adds value to your customers experience and your business. They generate leads, inform, educate, entertain, engage and carry your client in the journey to the solution you are able to provide.
We have identify 35 Digital Assets with the list constantly evolving as businesses innovate ideas that connect their content to current and potential clients.
Digital Assets are the attracters, the shine object and the storage closets of your online store.
Here are just a few:
A website is like the shelves inside your store, the clothes hangers on the shop walls, the display cabinets on the premises floor.
A blog site is a library of shares. Storytellin: information, educational and entertaining pieces of work that engage the mind, motivate the body and entertain the mind.
A Facebook Page is like window shopfront where you can promote your latest offering, showcase your products and invite your customers to visit your website.
An Instagram Account is the perfect place to post great images and story links to scrollers and influence others.
A Downloable PDF can be the first step in building trust with your customer. Here’s a checklist of all the PDF you might want to consider.
A Linkedin Account both business and personal for a professional display of qualifications, skills and experience. ‘Don’t get weird out by people looking at your account’. But it’s weird.
Mailchimp is the survey account that allows you to collective communicate to your audience and provide information via email.
Survey Monkey, which is no relation, sends out electronic quizzes to obtain feedback or conduct research.
For a comprehensive list of digital assets that connect your content to your customer, download this 1 page document with over 35 DA’s to consider creating.
During our Promotions and Strategy Podcast Masterclass we create several DA’s by default and you receive the complete interactive linkable list of DA’s. Each has resources for assistance in creating or research on their effectiveness.